by danya | Jan 13, 2009 | Blog
I just got word that my first and most influential rav, Rabbi Alan Lew, died this morning. I’m a little bit in shock–he was only 65, and from what I understand this was not anticipated from anyone. From what I understand, he died while taking a walk,...
by danya | Dec 4, 2008 | Blog
This’ll be out this summer. Goodness knows the fonts or whatever might change before then, but I’m pretty sure this is more or less the final version. In Boston-area event-ish news, I’ll be giving a book talk at Eitz Chayim in Cambridge on Dec. 7th...
by danya | Dec 2, 2008 | Blog
The F Word reports that Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls has parted way with her record label because she refused to cut images of her “fat” stomach from her new video–so they refused to promote the single and video: [Palmer] refused to let them...
by danya | Nov 5, 2008 | Blog
Blessed Are You, God our Deity, Who has kept us alive, and sustained us, and enabled us to reach this moment. I am very proud of America–thrilled for the outcome of the presidential election, but more than that, thrilled about and proud of the many people who...
by danya | Oct 29, 2008 | Blog
Dear Bay Area Folk: I’m coming to gig in just a few short hours! I’ll be giving a book talk at Congregation Netivot Shalom in Berkeley tomorrow night (details here) and at the JCCSF Bookfest on Sunday (deets here)! Come out to say hi,...
by danya | Oct 17, 2008 | Blog
Happy hag, everyone. It’s gorgeous here, a proper autumn with fire-colored leaves on the trees, and just enough snap in the air that you need a sweater and, maybe, a scarf in the sukkah at night. It’s been 11 years since I’ve had a proper autumn, and...