Happy hag, everyone. It’s gorgeous here, a proper autumn with fire-colored leaves on the trees, and just enough snap in the air that you need a sweater and, maybe, a scarf in the sukkah at night. It’s been 11 years since I’ve had a proper autumn, and I’m very much enjoying this one. There’s been a little trek to Walden Pond, and there have been crisp, just-picked apples, and big squash from the farmer’s market.

I’m vaguely aware that all this autumn means that there’s this thing called “winter” to come, but am trying hard not to think about that now.

Right now I need to get back to reviewing copyedits–The Passionate Torah: Sex and Judaism is officially in production, which means that I am officially on scary deadlines. There’s also been some fun teaching around town–this Sunday I’ll be at the Charles River Beit Midrash talking about rain and various other things.

In other news, j., the Jewish paper in San Francisco, nice piece on Surprised and my ongoing love affair with SF. And WGBH Boston has put online video (with MP3 download option) of the talk I gave at New Words a while back, if you like that sort of thing.

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