by danya | Mar 23, 2009 | Blog
I’m teaching a class at the lovely retreat center Elat Chayyim this summer, from July 27-August 2. It’s on Jewish sex! What could be more fun than that? Here’s the official copy: Judaism’s sacred texts and great thinkers offer many...
by danya | Mar 16, 2009 | Blog
The most excellent mikveh/community resource known as Mayyim Hayyim is having a benefit featuring Yavilah McCoy and four generations of her family’s music. It’s this coming Sunday, deets here. Ch-ch-check it out…
by danya | Mar 2, 2009 | Blog
Well, the aforementioned Sekrit Projeckt has come to fruition. His name is Yonatan, and he was born twelve days ago. He is a miracle and a joy. Not sure how much I’ll blog about him–maybe some, probably more about things I learn getting to hang out with...
by danya | Jan 30, 2009 | Blog
Hi, there. I know posting has fallen off a bit around here; sorry ’bout that. I’ve been busy gigging, cleaning up the last things that needed to be done on The Passionate Torah: Sex and Judaism, working on 3 other anthologies, a biggish research project,...
by danya | Jan 19, 2009 | Blog
Judaism has blessings for just about everything–smelling fragrant trees, seeing a rainbow, hearing good news, hearing bad news, encountering a friend one hasn’t seen in a year, and more. There is a blessing that one says upon seeing a non-Jewish king, and...
by danya | Jan 19, 2009 | Blog
As I’ve watched–mostly from afar, sadly, as I’m now living on the other coast–various communities and lots of people that I know respond to the death of Rabbi Lew, I have found myself thinking about some of the stuff in Tractate Moed Katan...