
Last night got me, not surprisingly, thinking a lot about speeches, what makes one good, and what makes one great. (I think Obama is capable of giving great speeches, but I’m not convinced that he did so last night. I’m sure there are others who disagree.)...

We Like Pretty Pictures

I spent some of the last couple of weeks working on an essay for the NYC Jewish Museum; they’re doing an upcoming show on new ritual, and asked me to write one of the essays for the catalog, which was a whole big pile of fun. I got to geek out about the Havurah...

More Extra Bonus Excerpt

I will get back to posting on my life soon. For now, though, I just wanted to let y’all know that there’s another excerpt up, this time on ZEEK, at You can read the whole thing here, but here’s a little preview of the excerpt of the...

More Book-Related Stuff

Or, three things make a post. The Forward has a nice feature on the book up–thanks! It’s here, and features, amusingly, my roadtrip and Graceland visit as the journalistic hook. Jessica Lee Jernigan of Cultural Criticism and Beauty Tips interviewed me on...


If you’ve been waiting for your Surprised By God preview excerpt, you are now in luck. The World Jewish Digest has been kind enough to print a snippet of the thing for your reading enjoyment. (There should be another bonus excerpt to come soon–more word on...

Tute-y Fruity

Grettings from the National Havurah Institute, or the ‘tute, as folks are calling it these days. I’ve been on a college campus in New Hampsire with 300+ smart, engaged Jewpeople since Monday. I am exhausted beyond belief, but it’s been grand. I...