Grettings from the National Havurah Institute, or the ‘tute, as folks are calling it these days. I’ve been on a college campus in New Hampsire with 300+ smart, engaged Jewpeople since Monday. I am exhausted beyond belief, but it’s been grand. I don’t know when the last time was that I stayed up until 2am voluntarily, many nights in a row. The boogie was last night, and it was indeed boogielicious, and it was great fun to be the DJ/musical autocrat, and there has been swimming in the lake, singing, and lots of good time with extraordinary people. There’s been some great learning, as well–I’m taking a class on storytelling with the great Bear Bergman and have had lots of one-off workshops on everything from crocheting kippot (I can do the stitch but need help still getting the shape right–my first attempt was kind of a doll’s hat) to the future of Jewish feminism (answer: I still believe that there should be one.) I just taught a workshop/had a reading based on Surprised By God and I think it went quite well, had great turnout, people were into the discussion, so yay. I could use a nap right about now but I’m probably not going to get one. There’s too much happening. Yay for stuff happening!
Your workshop went very well, and it was an enlightening and thoughtful view of the gradual process whereby people change.
Thanks, Mark! Lovely to connect, however briefly…
Post-your-workshop, my new little book club of Teachers College grad students, some Jewish, some not, is going to be reading your book in a couple months! I’m anticipating more of the kind of wonderful discussion you brought out in the workshop.
Hey, Rachel, fabulous! I’ll be very interested to hear what comes up from that…