Or, three things make a post.
The Forward has a nice feature on the book up–thanks! It’s here, and features, amusingly, my roadtrip and Graceland visit as the journalistic hook.
Jessica Lee Jernigan of Cultural Criticism and Beauty Tips interviewed me on what it’s like to believe in God and various other things. It’s up here.
I’m starting to put tour info up under the “Speaking” tab, above–there’s still plenty to come, but a few gigs are up now. I’ll just keep adding stuff as things are solidified. Next up, the always-excellent Center for New Words in Cambridge (MA) on the 4th of September.
Now I’m off to the DMV to see if they’ll deign to register my car in this new state. Fun!
I know it’s far from Boston, but it would be awesome if you came to DC.
Hey, Rebecca—
Drop me a line (on “contact”) if you want to talk possibilities. I have some parameters for how I’m setting up/doing gigs this time ’round, and/though am open to having some spies set out to help make it happen…..