Hey, guess what? I just learned the truth about the way Torah the Bible works, and it turns out that there were dinosaurs on Noah’s ark!
Okay, I know I’m supposed to be creeped out by these people, but is it wrong for me to just find this particular bit hysterically funny?
No, it’s true–the rest of their website is pretty scary. And their agenda is even scarier. But I do love the proof for the existence of dinosaurs on the ark. The logic (though not necessarily the bottom line*) is just so… Talmudic.
*Yeah, that absolute truth thing? Not so much. The Rabbis were pretty comfortable with multiple truths, multiple answers, using truth as a site in which to play, etc etc. But I can just see them doing the dino-to-cubit math. No question.
Funny that there were dinosaurs on the ark?
What’s so funny about that?
Now if they happened to be teenaged dinosaurs…..
(do you suppose Noah’s teenage dinosaurs were in the stall next to the teenage mutant ninja turtles? )
Found your blog after reading your article in Bitch about tzitzit, which I am taking to my spirituality group tonight for a discussion. Great stuff.
I had to say something about “dinosaurs in the Bible” because I was raised by a relatively small Christian sect that accepted that as actual fact. These are people who once disfellowshipped a potential elder when it was revealed (*GASP*) that this man didn’t believe that the seven days of creation were 24 hour periods! Thank goodness for comparative religion — it’s fun to refute my mom’s aspersions on my morals when I ask her why she thinks Jesus, an observant Jew, would approve of x, y, or z when a, b or c from the Talmud would contradict her assessment of W.W.J.D., and have her sputter about not knowing what the Talmud is.) I’ve been immersed in Judaica recently in my reading, not through any real intention, and your article was just a treat in the middle of that — The Jewish Book of Why goes out of its way to bring up that women are not forbidden prayer shawls, kippot or tzitzit before elucidating how the practice differs, and you basically updated my understanding. So, thanks for that — now what I actually said I was commenting on. 🙂
Go and find a transcript or recording of the comedian Bill Hicks doing his bit called “Dinosaurs in the Bible”, which is one of the funniest damn things I have ever heard in my life. It has an Xtian twist (as it includes the little-known parable of Jesus and the Brontosaurus) but I guarantee you you’ll get a good bellylaugh out of it.