So I’ve now done one full pass on the biggest chunk of my Scary Talmud (Review Awfully Necessary) Graduation-Level Exam (STRANGLE) material–22 dappim (2-sided pages) of Pesachim, the full last chapter. I don’t have it perfectly–there are some things I didn’t totally catch (for some of them I needed a dictionary, and I was mostly doing this on the bus), and a few complex arguments I think I got, but was too lazy to go through and triple-check if they really made sense with my reading. I’ll have to do everything a million times, this is just the preliminary.
But I’ve got the first 9 dappim of ch. 3 of Moed Katan all xeroxed up and ready to roll. Anyone want to place bets on whether I have the oomph to start it over Shabbos?
(After that I’ll have 19 other dappim to review or learn whole cloth, mostly from Ketubot, Avodah Zarah, and Brachot).
Hey, look at it this way. The more Gemara you learn, the easier it gets (after a while, anyway). Then you can refer to the Exam (BREATHING CONFIDENTLY).