Computer: fixed
Car: In one piece (Baruch Hashem!) and at the car doctor right now for a checkup
Friends: Fabulous, of course
Service Charges: Rampant
Customer Service: Really great, even when those smies are blatantly fakey fake and you know that the smilers are thinking about how much they hate their jobs. Even so–they still DO their jobs, which I find rather refreshing.
Kosher Vegetarianism: Much harder here, especially in those moments when suddenly it’s time NOW to eat something and one is out in the big world of cafes with easy takeaway treyf. Learning to, once again, keep snacks on hand.
God: Still here, in this here golus.
Hot water: Doesn’t need to be turned on 1/2 hour before using on a cloudy day. OTOH, doesn’t have a solar heater. I’d prefer the hassle.
Cell phones: Make life much easier! I know, they’re quite rather available in the Holy Land as well, I just didn’t much need one so I didn’t have one.
Driving: Still not that much fun. I need to fix my bike.
“golus”? Didn’t you come back from J’slm? Or did I miss the side trip to Ukraine?