Very little to report, really. I’m leaving for eretz hakodesh in less than a week, and in the meantime just visiting with a few loved ones and trying to eat as much of the food-that-I-can-eat-here-that’s-harder-to-get-there as I can. There is a particular run on the sushi, burritos and Indian food, emphasis on the burrito. I’ve been back twice to that one vegetarian restaraunt around here that does that, and I’ll be back again at least once more if I have any control over the matter. Sushi, not great b’aretz, but I think one kosher place opened up around Ben Yehuda, and there is at least once place I know of for kosher/veg Indian. Both of these things are better taken care of here, but the burrito I trust to no Israeli. It’s just safer that way.
Life is good. There are friends and tea and a few exquisite twilights, not as much solitude as I actually could use these days, but that’s OK too.
For now I’m in that winding-down phase, trying to get all the silly little errands run now and trying to figure out what I’ll actually need to take with me, and what I threw in my suitcase initially because I was too lazy to think about what I’d actually need. Thursday will be that day of reckoning. Tomorrow is the day of going back to the Israeli consulate to see if they have indeed produced the student visa that they said they would. The first step, today, was a little too easy–here are my papers, oh, I can pick it up tomorrow? I’m a bit suspicious. Are they that much nicer to me because I’m speaking in Hebrew? Did I just happen to stumble on some amazing luck? Is the woman at the counter falling in love and therefore happy to help anyone? I just don’t get it. I think they might have been involved in some sort of zombie takeover/alien infestation. Not that I mind. The zombies are welcome to stay in charge until tomorrow, when I fetch my papers.
That is all for now.