I have now successfully taken and passed the infamous Daf exam.
It actually wasn’t so bad, being quizzed on random sections of 50 dappim and having to hold forth on them. I felt good during the test (it was an oral test, with 3 members of faculty grilling me) and I feel, well, even better now.
One more test (on 10 dappim plus commentaries–Rishonim, Tosafot, etc–that happens in December) from now and they’re going to have to come up with a really, really good reason not to ordain me in May.
As for now, well, I’m going to the movies tonight and out of town for a few days starting tomorrow. Yay.
Mazal tov on passing the exam! I am in no way surprised, but I’m glad for you that this hurdle is behind you.
nice Blog, linked you…
love from holland
yishar koahh and good luck!
shkoach! (as they say. But still, not like it’s a surprise to anyone)
Yashar Koiach on passing the daf. It’s all downhill from here.