I’ve got this pop song that they play all the friggin’ time on the radio stuck in my head, and I don’t know either the name of the artist or the song itself, nor can I remember any lyrics except this one line. It’s a female singer, and the hook goes, “Ani ozevet otcha… ha-lilah!” She’s like the Hebrew equivalent of Dido or some chick like that. I don’t know why knowing the name of the singer will help, but now it’s become like, a thing, since I haven’t uncovered it with either some sophisticated Googling or the help of Shiron.net.
Dwellers of eretz hakodesh, anybody know?
So. So. So. Annoying.
That sounds like “November” by Miri Masika.
Yes, yes, that’s the one!
Ack. Now, do I want to obtain a copy of the song, or try to excise it from my brain entirely and forever? Kind of a toss-up.