Well, whatever you believe, now you can get a T-shirt declaring your love for it.
Some bizarre part of me is strangely drawn to this one. Yeah, I dunno.
But obviously the best one to be worn with a wink is this one. It’s almost too easy.
Okay, back to work now. Really.
Me, I’m still amused by the
×’×•×™× [heart] ×× ×™
one at the Jewschool store… 😉
I wanted to leave a comment, not about this post exactly but about your site altogether. I think I first saw your name or read about your blog in Lillith. Then came across the site and saw the book Yentl’s Revenge. Which I squealed in delight when I saw it. BTW I read it in 2 days and have passed on to my Rabbi. She was very happy! Finding your blog, the book right now is so pertinent for me. I am thinking of becoming a Rabbi. The reactions I will get when I wear a kippah or a tallit in daily life. I looked to see if you have an email address. As I don’t want to pour my life story in a comment box! But nonetheless I started reading your blog from the beginning and I think you rock! It’s helping me a lot and I see I am not the only one who contemplates these issues..
Hey, L.A.–
Glad you’re enjoying it! Welcome!