Mostly Seasonal Link Roundup
by danya | Dec 12, 2006 | Blog |
The Progressive Jewish Alliance offers 8 ways to have an economically just Hanukah. Check ’em out here.
An interesting article from The New Yorker on the Bible publishing biz.
It’s “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” played exclusively on bicycle parts!
Not kosher but kind of amusing: instructions on how to make a LED hanukiyah.
Kosher and also amusing: Jenny Traig’s instructions on how to make a hanukiyah out of mah jong tiles.
Balashon: Hebrew Language Detective on the etymology of “sufganya” and how it’s related to the word “punk”.
BoingBoing also had a great list of important cyberlibertian groups that are worthy of support and are coalescing around a knowledge goods ecology movment.
check out there vision statement in the Access to Knowledge Treaty. This is a movement progressive Jews can get behind: