Learning for the Ten Days
by danya | Sep 25, 2006 | Blog |
Balashon: Hebrew Detective on the origins of the word “shofar”
An archive of piyutim, and not just for this season, either
Rambam’s hilchot tshuvah in Hebrew and English
Some Torah from one of my old teachers, Rabbi Alan Lew
The Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal is an important musing on what forgiveness is, how it works, and when (if ever) it might not
Some textual miscellaney in English
More to come, I’m sure. Keep checking back here.
Shana tova, Danya! Rabbi Leider’s 2nd day RH d’rash (given at Library Minyan) was about forgiveness and alternatives to it; she started with a story from The Sunflower and then talked about the importance of entering into an open dialogue with moderate Muslims. Very powerful; her point was that if we couldn’t forgive acts of terror, we could at least learn about what created the environment that led to the terrorist acts, and work together with more moderate elements of the Muslim world to bring about changes to that environment.