Things here are trucking along. I’m mostly at cafes trying to get some work done during the day (ohh, Israeli breakfast, how we love you! Eggs, salad, cheese, olives, bread, granola, juice and coffee for one good price!) and catching up with folks at night. Saw a 14 year old kid rip it HARD on jazz piano the other evening at the Yellow Submarine. May try to catch Shalom Hanoch in concert tonight, and there’s good davenning scheduled all Shabbos long.
It also looks like I have a hevruta (study partner) to start doing some review for the Scary Talmud (Review Awfully Necessary) Graduation-Level Exam (STRANGLE) that I’ll be taking, n’sh’Allah, in August, a major hoop before starting one’s final year of the program. (There’s also the Written Hard Ordination Assessment (WHOA) that happens in December, but one thing at a time). So we’ll start slow, a little Moed Katan, see if we can’t start rocking the daf (page).
All in all, life is sweet, very very sweet. Things could be way worse.
Now, a few links just ’cause I wanna:
One of my favorite reads lately, the Muslim feminist funny smart goodness known as Koonj: The Seagull.
I’m also a big fan of the Christian crafts and wackiness over at Going Jesus. Not a blog, but necessary and required:Mahna Mahna!
Shalom, Danya! You made my day.
Well, if such a killer blogger as yourself likes my ramblings, I guess I should continue for now.
Going Jesus: Okay, how do you find this stuff?!? I nearly wet myself laughing!
Koonj, darling, you kick my blogging ass seven ways to Tuesday!
Going Jesus I found through a friend (the now-defunct Magdalen Institute blog); turns out she was college roommates with another friends, so you know: small world of the snarky religionists….