[Congregation X] in [location Y] is currently seeking Rabbinic and Cantorial students to conduct Friday night services on the last Friday night of each month.
Accomadations will be provided along with enumeration. Should the student require Shomer Shabbos accomodations, that is available as well.
Traditional services are conducted from our prepared sidurim.
For consideration please call: [Number]
They’re going to provde not only accomodations, but also they’re going to make a list for the student rabbi! I wonder if it’s going to be a different list each week–list of ways the student rabbi is great, list of the 613 mitzvot according to perush Rambam, list of reasons why spellcheck on MS Word doesn’t always check your mistakes…..
(I think the word they’re looking for is “remuneration”, aka ca$h moneee).
Why wouldn’t rab or cantorial students require shomer Shabbat accomodations? Shouldn’t that be a default?!
You would think.