As of last night, I’m a rabbi.
Ordination was really amazing. Rituals do things, after all, and this was a big ritual meant to do a big thing. And it did, somehow, impossibly.
It was really powerful. Maybe there will be more words later. For now, though, I’m just awed and humbled and so grateful that I have the friends and family and teachers and colleagues that I have, and that God has granted me the opportunity to get to this moment. Now it’s on me to do something with it, of course.
WordPress is being a bit wonky and not letting me upload pics. But I’ll try to get on that soon.
Mazel tov on your s’micha. We met briefly when I visited campus in April and then bumped into you in the Hood the next day. You’ll make a great rabbi.
“it’s rabbinic ordination, not a personality lobotomy”
… Is it? 😛
Anyways, Hazaq uBarukh, and I look forward to learning from Rabbi Ruttenberg!
whoa… lessen activity in the internet and miss the big stuff… yishar koahh! luckily someone showed me the flyer for this Shavuot that says “Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg” on it; it would’ve taken me much longer to find out otherwise. 😛