Award-winning playwright, performer and author S. Bear Bergman has got a new and extremely worthwhile project going on. Bear writes,

Last month, someone told me I was her hero. I had gone to her small college and performed, and afterwards her classmates had begun to speak positively about queer and trans folks. For the first time, she felt she could come out – and did.

Organizations and institutions that are queer- and trans-inclusive have the resources to invite me to participate in their conversations. The places where the administration is intolerant, where the culture is conservative, or where our issues are not given priority end up starving for it.

I am dedicated to meeting that need. I am committed to taking education, awareness, openness, and the great joy of my outlaw tribe wherever anyone will have me. I go where I’m asked, whenever I’m able, and perform or teach or lecture for free. I love it.

Here’s the problem – I can’t always go. Even when I can work for free, I can’t travel for free (and I can rarely afford to pay for it myself). So sometimes I have to say no, and I really don’t want to.

Here’s the solution – be a hero with me. If you can spare just $5 per month, over the course of a year you can help me work with hundreds of students. None of us has very much money, I know, but if you can afford $5 every month you can make a huge difference. You can make it possible for at least a dozen organizations or institutions every year to have programming they really need.

This money will only ever be used for expenses, and I am always accountable to the Fund For Women Artists as it gets used, but more than that I promise – I will make it count.

In other words, Bear will go perform for free at places where it seems like there’s a need, but needs help getting funded for transportation to said locations. Go here to learn more.

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