I now have in my hot little hands the Bar-Ilan Global Jewish Database, a CD-ROM with all of the everything you could ever think to ask for, including Sh”uT (Sheilot u’Tshuvot, or responsa) up the freakin’ wazzoo, extending pretty much up ’till today, Encyclopedia Talmudit, and pretty much everything else it would occur to me to ask for plus, you know, everything else. Searchable. Hyperlinked. It boggles the mind.
ANNND I got it on major student discount, for about half the price. (The full price is still, frankly, not a bad deal considering what you get.)
Due to a case of outrageous discrimination, however, they do not make a Mac-friendly edition. Good thing I did not get rid of my PC laptop when I got this computer. Now (OK, when I get back to LA) I get to use the computer I have and still rock the shut harder than a stadium full of AC/DC fans.
ooh, how much was it? I only have the Bar Ilan Study Buddy – no responsas for me — too expensive to get 12, especially for my lack of current use.