So I’m exactly midway through my trip. It’s been going well so far–I’ve been doing the things that needed to be done, seeing a few people along the way but not as many as I would have liked, and somewhat managing the jet lag. This morning is an all-too-needed chance to catch up on some work stuff (read, face down the edits on chapter 6), do laundry, and to sit and catch my breath a little.
Tomorrow I train out to western PA to give the talk that is my primary reason for being here, on Jewish sexual ethics, and to teach a class on Judaism and gender. Should be fun. Then I have a few more stops (including two more flights) that include a work meeting, a d’var Torah and I think another class to teach before it’s time to get on the big silver bird back in the other direction.
It’s been a nice trip so far, but a lot of moving around. I’m really happy to be sitting on this couch right now. I wonder if the tea is ready, yet.
Ack, I was just in Pittsburgh for the weekend but am now gone again–I’m sorry to have missed hearing/meeting you.
Did you go to the JRF convention? Some members from my shul went, and I can’t wait to see how it went… Your talk on jewish sexual ethics and class on judaism and gender sounds fascinating. Would love to hear more about them.
Travel safe!