It was a lovely Pesach, full of family and friends and a nice dose of Israel. Our celebrations centered around the holy city of Haifa, but I did get to sneak out and see friends in Jerusalem for a day or two. I got to see the ultra-Orthodox folks cooking mangels (bbq,) in Gan Sacher, got to drink coffee at Tmol Shilshom and Cafe B’Gina and Tachanat HaCafeh (there was a lot of coffee) and drink Arak at Uganda and sit on my friend’s mirpesset (balcony? that’s the right word, right? I’ve forgotten English) with a gorgeous nighttime view of the Old City walls, got to wander around a little aimlessly with friends, bumping into other friends and having one of those spontaneous Jerusalem Hol HaMoed days. Jerusalem is like a love I’ve never quite gotten over, and probably never will. I don’t have to know now if we’re meant to be together long-term, or just have passionate reunions every now and again before returning to our regular lives. Either way, I’m so glad for Jerusalem. It splits my heart right open to be there.
There was also a day trip to Cesaria to see dear friends who were parked there for the week. Too much goodness. Not enough time.
There was a lot of truly lovely family time as well–catching up with important family that I don’t see often enough, and getting to play at a new house on a moshav in Galilee as part of that. The part with the family was the most important part, and the part about which I’ll say the least.
Now I’m home, jet-laggy and catching up with the life whose deadlines haven’t vanished just because I did for a while.
Hope those of you who had Pesach had it but good.