The Sisters of Perpetual indulgence have translated the Bible into Polari.
Here’s a sample. The rest can be found here.
1 In the beginning Gloria created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was nanti form, and void; and munge was upon the eke of the deep. And the nanti lucoddy of Gloria trolled upon the eke of the aquas.
3 And Gloria cackled, Let there be sparkle: and there was sparkle.
4 And Gloria vardad the sparkle, that it was bona: and Gloria medzered the sparkle from the munge.
5 And Gloria screeched the sparkle Day, and the munge he screeched nochy. And the bijou nochy and the morning were the una day.
6 And Gloria cackled, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the aquas, and let it medzer the aquas from the aquas.
7 And Gloria made the firmament, and medzered the aquas which were under the firmament from the aquas which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And Gloria screeched the firmament Heaven. And the bijou nochy and the morning were the dewey day.
see, now that’s jewschool material.
the picadilly palare was just silly slang between me and the boys of my gang…
so bona to vada… oh you! lovely eek and lovely riah.
easy meat, and a reasonably good buy.
with thanks to morrissey