I haven’t seen it yet (since I am in the land where Mail Takes Dang Forever To Arrive, and that includes contributor’s copies) but evidently my essay on the various issues that come out of being a chick who wears tzitzit in Jerusalem is now out in the new issue of Bitch Magazine.
I’m curious to know how they finally decided to handle the graphic design of the piece–we had talked about a few possibilities. Anybody seen it?
I don’t have it in front of me at this very minute, but I seem to recall a woman in jeans and a tank-top, tzitzis blowing in the wind. It’s cute and minimalistic.
Err, the above comment was me.
This post has been removed by the author.
Any way to read the article without having our very own copy of Bitch?
Sorry, for the moment you’ll have to get the magazine. This is for several reasons: First (and most important), it’s important to support our independent media–that’s our way of giving back to the people who are telling it like it is without a corporate subsidy (ie, who are working hard to bring us the non-advertising-dollars-slanted truth). They give to us and we gots to give back. You can order Bitch internationally here:
http://www.bitchmagazine.com/order_intl.shtml . it’s not cheap for overseas shipping, but they are a damn good magazine and worth every penny. The other thing is to find someone in the States to send you a copy–also not too hard.
Second, this makes sense for me as a working writer. I make parnasah (my living, in part) as a writer, and that means that the work that I do is connected to my ability to sell the rights. I sold First North American Serial Rights to Bitch (first printing–standard for most mags) but retain the rights to sell it elsewhere. I may decide to sell this essay to another magazine or a book (which I might), and part of what makes it a “marketable product” is that it’s not already been distributed everywhere. If someday I decide not to sell the rights elsewhere, I theoretically might choose to post it online if I’m feeling generous (remember, this is how I make a living–so don’t hold your breath), but certainly not until the current issue of Bitch is no longer the current issue. That’s not fair to them, and as they are a wonderful magazine that does really important work, I want people to buy as many issues of it as possible.
Thanks for letting me know where to get it. Though I suspect that the shipping cost to Israel and the fact that I’m really only interested in your article will end up keeping me from getting it. But, hey, I understand the need for parnasa. As a poor grad student, I only wish I had some.
Tell me, how did you / do you get started as a writer for profit? (My major piece was academic and I didn’t get $ for it, just 5 contributor copies and the hopes that I helped the Conservative Movement some).
i personally am going to actually buy bitch ASAP for this essay… which is saying a lot as it is the competitor of my usual mag, Bust… i am psyched to read it. -han
Awwww…. Yay Han!
And, you know, I don’t think they’re competetors at all–they’re in some ways really different mags, certainly there is and should be enough room in the world for the both of ’em…..
Sorry about the delayed response; hopefully you got a copy by now, but if not, I could scan it or something for you if I get another copy.
There’s an annotated drawing of a girl… Unfortunately, I managed to leave my new Bitch AND my journal (ugh) somewhere in Westwood.
I liked the article a lot. I kind of want to show it to a (somewhat conservative) Chassidic rabbi friend of mine, though I’m not sure how he’d take it.
LA represent! Sorry about the journal.
Thanks for offering to scan the thing, but it’s cool. Rumor has it mine’s on the way and should be here sometime before, you know, Pesach.
If you do show it to your friend, definitely let me know how he takes it… curious, curious….
Fantastic article! I went directly to your blog after spotting it at the end of the piece in the magazine, and haven’t been back to the magazine yet. 🙂
I’ve been a subscriber to Bitch for awhile now, so as a Jewish feminist I was really excited to see your article in this month’s issue. I recognized your name because I own a copy of Yentyl’s Revenge. I’ll definitely be checking out your blog from now on!
Shalom, Carmel
The article was amazing. I had never read Bitch before, but I’m trying to do more feminist reading, so I picked it up at the newstand. I enjoyed it, but your article was by far the best thing in it. It sent me to your blog, and I’m enjoying hearing about your study there, and kind of a little jealous too. which school are you studying with? thanks again,
Hey, all–
Welcome! Glad to see you here, look forward to hearing juicy things in the comments.
Noah, I’m at the rabbinic program at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles usually, but I get to be learning in Jerusalem this year, which ain’t a bad thing….