I’m not sure yet what this blog’ll be. A place to hash out ideas, publish my not-so-secret diary, ask questions, record observations, disseminate useful info, whatever. It’s also, obviously, a way to keep in touch with folk as I (at least for now) prepare to spend a year’s study in a galaxy far, far away.
If you read this blog (often, occasionally, whatever) I very much encourage you to post and comment and reply to other people’s comments, disagree, argue, whatever. This format is designed to be more of a dialogue than a monologue, and on the friends-and-family tip, it’s nice on this end to know who’s out there and feel more in touch.
If there’s a piguah (that is to say, a bombing) in Jerusalem, I’ll do my best to get to a computer and post here that I’m OK as soon as I can. I can’t promise that it will happen as quickly as some would like–I might be in class, I might not have heard about it immediately, I might even (heaven forfend) be out having a life. But I will try to be mindful of the fact that there might be some worried loved ones out there.
That’s all I can think of right now…………….
I think Blogger makes it possible now for users to offer an XML/syndication link; if you can add that to your blog, that’d be nifty, because then I can add it to my aggregator and your entries will show up on my computer easy as pie.
(And if not, no worries, because I am also capable of trundling over to your blog to see whether you’ve posted.)
Hooray! Welcome to the blogosphere!
Okay, looks like that should be active, now. The site feed URL is:
Let me know if that doesn’t work for any reason. xo
I think you’ve got a good start on your blog. I wish you luck with it and a wonderful trip to Isarel. I hope you will blog from Israel more than just when (G-d forbid) there is a piguah.
What will you be studying while in Israel? I had the pleasure of spending a year living in Jerusalem in the early 90’s and it was a wonderful experience. I can’t wait to go back again (I was there in December 03).
Send me an email rabbi_blog@hotmail.com or post on my site http://1rabbi.blogspot.com if I can be of any help to you.
B’hatzlachah (best wishes)
I think you’ve got a good start on your blog. I wish you luck with it and a wonderful trip to Isarel. I hope you will blog from Israel more than just when (G-d forbid) there is a piguah.
What will you be studying while in Israel? I had the pleasure of spending a year living in Jerusalem in the early 90’s and it was a wonderful experience. I can’t wait to go back again (I was there in December 03).
Send me an email rabbi_blog@hotmail.com or post on my site http://1rabbi.blogspot.com if I can be of any help to you.
B’hatzlachah (best wishes)