Looking For the Chametz Within Ourselves

One of the mitzvot associated with Passover is that of removing chametz, leaven, from one’s domain. In contemporary practice, this involves not only getting rid of pasta and cookies from the cupbord, but also, for many, cleaning everything (most especially the...

Issues Contacting Me?

It’s come to my attention that some people have had problems emailing me through this site (aka emails aren’t going through!) We’re working on fixing that–but in the meantime, if you need to find me, please email rabbi DOT ruttenberg @...

On Doing Joy

“When the month of Adar enters, we increase our joy!” So declares the Talmud (Taanit 29a). The Hebrew month of Adar—which began Saturday night—is famously a month of joy, of celebration. There are a few obvious reasons for this—the winter is finally...

Yom Kippur and Joy

Danya Ruttenberg On Joy and Yom Kippur (This sermon is protected by a Creative Commons license. Please link and attribute.) For most of my life, I thought of Yom Kippur as a time that was serious, bordering on the dour. It’s a time for fear and trembling, a time for...

New Website!

Welcome to my shiny new website! Soon, I’ll post about new writing, putting speaking dates in the calendar function, and other things here. Thanks to Angel Adeyoha for the great redesign.