Since I’m living la vida Kabbalah these days:
You know that thing about not studying Kabbalah until you’re 40 years old? Well, both R. Isaac Luria and R. Nachman of Breslov died in their mid-30s. So that tells you about that.
Sheol, one of the names of the underworld, comes from the same root (ש×ל) as sheilah, question. That is to say, what happens after you die is supposed to be a big question mark–we don’t get to know.
The charachter of R. Shimon b. Yochai in the Zohar is most likely based on medieval Kabbalist Todros Abulafia.
According to the Zohar, the one sin for which there is no possibility of repentance or redemption is masturbation.*
One of the theories about how converts get a “Jewish soul” is that, while most (Jewish) souls are taken from a treasury underneath the Divine throne, the souls of converts and generated by “the sexual liasons of the righteous in the celestial Garden of Eden.” (P. Giller)
The Tu B’Shvat seder was created by a follower of messianic heretic Sabbatai Tzvi.
*And no, I didn’t hold by halakha poskened from the Zohar even before I heard that, thanks.
I feel so sexy right now.
Thanks, Giller!
My soul is the result of of some sexytime in Eden? Cool, i think.
whats a neo-jew?
and what constitutes a deep voice?